
Best Entrepreneur Books to Make Your Business Successful

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Every nine out of 10 startups fail in their first year. Avoiding this fate may be hard, but not impossible. Certainly not when you are armed with the knowledge from these best entrepreneur books.

1. Zero to One

Peter Thiel takes an unconventional approach to building startups. The common approach is to iterate the same idea and launch it to a different market segment. The usual ideas tend to be about the next WhatsApp, Facebook, or a “new and better” Microsoft.

In his book Zero to One, Peter says these clones already exist in the market and making a new clone won’t take you further up the innovation ladder. When people repeat the ideas, they take the innovation level from one to ‘N’. But doing something that isn’t done before takes the world from zero to one. This is one of the best entrepreneur books.

2. Founders At Work

The game runners at Apple, Microsoft, Google, and even Whatsapp were just a bunch of folks like you. Today, they are founders of multi-billion dollar companies.

What led to this change? How did they manage to convince investors to back their ideas? Did they make any mistakes? If so, how did they recover? Founders At Work is a collection of interviews with the founders of top tech companies that answer these questions.

3. Crossing the Chasm

Want to read the bible for bringing tech products to progressively larger markets? Crossing the Chasm is the book for you. It provides new insights into the realities of high-tech marketing with special emphasis on the internet. The book is a must-read for anyone with a stake in the world’s most exciting marketplaces.

4. Screw it, Let’s do it

Sir Richard Branson is the CEO of Virgin group of companies. He heads more than 400 companies and in this book, he reveals his secrets, of life and business. If there is one lesson that he wants you to learn by reading Screw it Let’s do it, it is: If you believe it can be done, try and try again until you can do it. It is undoubtedly, one of the best books about startup and entrepreneurship.

5. Never Too Late to Startup

Is it even possible to break free from the corporate race? – Most employees in the middle of the career often think this $100M question.

Never Too Late to Startup by venture capitalist Rob Kornblum is one of the best entrepreneur books as it answers the above question by interviewing a dozen mid-life founders. It is a great entrepreneur book that tells how you can find a great idea, how to lower the risk of starting a business, and how to get ideal co-founders for your business.

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