
SmartStart: Ignite Early Minds with CODE THE BRAIN Learning Kits

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Early childhood education poses a significant challenge for both parents and children. Encouraging toddlers and children up to the age of four to engage in focused learning activities, such as identifying shapes, numbers, alphabets, and recognizing animals, can be a daunting task. This challenge is further compounded by the time constraints faced by working parents and those who primarily manage household responsibilities.

So, what is the solution in such cases? Well, Subasri the founder of CODE THE BRAIN has just the right approach and solution to this. MAKE LEARNING FUN, she says.

Being a working mother with a toddler herself, Subasri came up with self-designed learning sheets for her child and noticed how the child would get fully involved in completing a task. This set her thinking and soon she was creating worksheets for a variety of topics. CODE THE BRAIN her Educational Kit venture is her professional business enterprise that carries the same concept forward.

Knowledge and Learning Kits Designed by a Caring Mother…

CODE THE BRAIN is today a “one point-multiple option” early child knowledge destination. What is really so special about it is that every product has that nurturing touch of a caring mother. Each Learning Kit is designed in a simple-to-understand and use format, specially created for children in the age group of 1.5- to 5-year-olds.

So, what is so distinct about these highly creative Educational Kits?

Well, they are created using the best materials, are child safe, well-designed, durable, and most importantly completely reusable. So, you can use the same set of activity sheets as many times as you want.

“With the aid of my thoughtfully created Worksheets and Learning Kit I want CODE THE BRAIN to be a part of every growing child’s learning process, I want to get a child interested and involved in every activity” Says Subasri.

The offering consists of Printable Sheets, DIY, Worksheets, Pre-school Kit, Activity Kit, Art Kit, and even a Tamil Language Kit.

This Preschool Learning Kit is a bestseller and comes with multiple activity sheets covering alphabets, phonetics, numerals, and Velcro-based activity kits.

Other learning items include – Reusable Sticker Book with different themes. Printable Alphabet Puzzles, Brain Teasers, Phonics Riddle Games, and Exciting Puzzle sets with Transport Themes that include Shadow matching and Color matching. Fruit Worksheets which include Slice matching and counting. Animal Theme with Baby Animals and Grown-up Animals. Reusable Right Brain Activity Kit – to enhance Photographic memory, space memory, and speed reading. DIY Math Activity, Memory Cards, and a whole lot more.

Making growth is a matter of fun and games 

The approach of making learning really fun for the early age child has meant that the products too have had to be designed for a relaxed and enjoyable “play and learn” methodology. This very aspect of fun has made every learning kit really popular and bought in sales.

Based in Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu the brand is now seeing its products steadily being picked up by parents and home tutors who can appreciate the real depth and value in the learning kits. There is a lot of potential waiting to be tapped in this rather under-explored market and CODE THE BRAIN is gearing up to and exploring ways and means to connect with parents, teachers, and knowledge centers for young children.

“I want to start now marketing my business model to a broader audience and also want to develop products to make an entry into prominent learning groups and schools too, where there is mutual benefit as well as genuine value addition to the entire process of learning,” Shared Subasri.

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