Good designs happen when individuals utilize their creative faculties to come up with out-of-the-box solutions to problems. Launched in 2012 by Hiral Dhruv, THINKINK Design helps clients build meaningful brands so that they achieve best marketing results possible. Its mission is “to continuously improve and maintain a level of perfection along with quirky creative touch.”

THINKINK Design: Strategy. Concept. Design. Execute

THINKINK Design was established with a strong sense of design and aesthetics along with creative visualization and marketing acumen. A born artist, Hiral’s creative potential was evident quite early in childhood. Later, she got herself a formal degree in design and graphics from an arts college. After working in a couple of MNC’s, she decided to start her own venture ‘THINKINK Design’.
The brand has collaborated with entrepreneurs to create identities of their new ventures. THINKINK boasts of clients from diverse sectors such as pharma, real-estate, hospitality, FMCG & Beauty, education, automobile and NGOs.

Striking a balance between two loves of her life

They say motherhood crushes a woman’s dreams, that once she becomes a mother, her personal ambitions take a backseat. However, Hiral’s story makes us question our age-old beliefs. She didn’t give up on her dreams after embracing motherhood. On the contrary, becoming a mother gave her the much-needed clarity and strength to infuse life into her dreams. Such was her resilience that just 5 days after her daughter was born, she resumed work, thus inspiring her team of young graphic designer moms who work from their homes and handle their kids too.
The THINKINK founder realized that children are only as happy as their parents. If a mother is discontent or unhappy, that negative energy would rub off on her kids as well. So, it’s important for mothers to continue doing things that make them happy. Hiral’s happiness lies as much in raising her child as in expressing her creativity through her work. So, instead of choosing one over another, the gifted artist decided to balance both.
Helping her navigate this complex journey is her 4-year old daughter, Amyrah whose illuminating presence and pure love motivates Hiral to strive for excellence. She’s a sensitive child who understands that being a working woman, her mother can’t always be around her. Little Amyrah stays away from mischief while her mother is working. Hiral believes her journey wouldn’t have been half as fun and interesting without her child’s unflinching support and considerate behaviour.
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