Teachers have been known to be portals of knowledge since time immemorial. Passing knowledge down generations the status of the teacher or the Guru, has only gained in lustre. (Dr. Tabrez Ahmad)
A sterling example of this is Prof (Dr.) Tabrez Ahmad – Vice Chancellor and Dean, School of Law at GD Goenka University, who brings to the table over 2 decades of hands on education sector experience.
After passing out from AMU Aligarh, Dr. Tabrez got apprenticed by Praveen Anand of Anand and Anand Law firm and later got appointed to NUJS Kolkata by Padma Bhushan Prof. (Dr.) N R Madhava Menon.
Having transitioned to academics, Dr. Tabrez worked in an academic and administrative capacity at several places like NUJS Kolkata, KIIT Bhubaneshwar and is today a figure acknowledged for Building, Driving and Refining institutions. He was the founding director of the Alliance Law School, Bangalore.
On shifting to UPES Dehradun, where he worked tirelessly from 2013 to 2019, he increased the roll call of students from 700 to 2000+ and raised the programs from 3 to 15.
After having served as a Pro VC at the Galgotias University, he was appointed Vice Chancellor of GD Goenka University in the year 2020.
Elaborating on his role Dr. Tabrez said” I am constantly working on developing the learning experience at the University by bringing in a lot of experiments, encouraging student engagements, faculty engagements, trying to bring new programs, and move things up to the next level.”
Transforming the thought process and the learning methodology is the need of the hour

Dr. Tabrez Ahmad specialization is Law. He holds a PhD in Cyber law and IPR. At G. D. Goenka, the challenge ahead is to manage the University which is truly multi-disciplinary and a center of excellence in higher education.
With online education rapidly entering mainstream Dr. Tabrez now has shifted his attention to examine and prepare for the challenges the online medium will bring to the law sector. The entire focus is on delivering genuine, outcome based learning with an enhanced curriculum. Early counselling and evaluation through the system of overall performance index model from the second year itself has helped placements. Recognitions naturally followed.
In 2019 awarded “Top 50 IP Players” by IPR Gorilla USA. Also awarded as the best Keynote speaker SIETIIE 2019. Recently APAC News Network awarded him as one of the exceptional academicians who brought changes in the higher education sector.
Online Education is a game changer but Offline Education is equally important

“With a focus on key areas of delivering knowledge and creating a well-rounded student pool our target is to become the No. 1 University in next 5 years,” shares Dr. Tabrez Ahmad.
What holds the key to this is an optimized mix of offline and online mode of education. What the way ahead looks like is – theoretical study can be in online mode. But where analysis, creativity, comparative studies and peer interactions are required, it has to be offline.
Also plans are there to invite industry experts, working professionals and practicing lawyers and judges who can raise the quality of the teaching and learning process.
Face book link – https://m.facebook.com/GDGoenkaUniversity/
Twitter link – https://mobile.twitter.com/goenka_univer
Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/school/gdgoenkauniversity/
You Tube Channel – https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCKxeiDR5phO5vF7rDVxh-jg
Instagram link – https://instagram.com/gdgoenkauniversity?utm_medium=copy_link
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